Friday, January 31, 2014

Finally Outta the House

Today is the first day since Monday that I've been able to get out of the house since we got hit with the snow storm on Tuesday.  I was so excited to get snow because it's been a few years since we have had any.  Living in east North Carolina, we don't get snow that often so I always enjoy it when it snows.  I don't however enjoy the ice that comes along with it at times.  Overall we got about 1 inch of ice and then 4 inches of snow on top of the ice.  My boys had a blast playing and throwing snowballs at each other and of course being out of school all week is a plus too.  I had a blast taking pictures of them and watching them have fun in the snow.  But, as much fun as the snow is, I am glad that it has decided to leave.  It's no fun being cooped up in the house days on end.

We were a little "bad" during this week and didn't stick to a strict sugar detox meal plan.  But overall, we still ate very well.  I do know what triggers my bad eating habits--the ones where I want bad carbs and overload of sweets.  It's boredom...I have noticed during this week and being stuck inside that I have wanted to snack and munch on the bad stuff.  On my normal days I am at home with just the baby and so busy with him and house stuff and it's easier to stay on track.  Weekends aren't as bad because we are out and have things to do.  So I can keep my munchies in check.  But during this week it was bad.  So, I'm goin to have to figure out how to redirect my attention during these times.  Once we're officially done with the 21 days, I will have a follow up post on the whole experience. 

I have plenty of things I can do to redirect my attention, it's just getting it out and doing.  For Christmas, I got a learning to knit, learning to crochet, and two cross stitch patterns.  I also had a friend send a pattern for making baby bit patterns.  I'm not big on sewing and actually haven't sewn much in my life.  But, I'm hoping I can practice and eventually turn it in to something I can do for extra cash.  It doesn't hurt to try right!

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