Thursday, January 16, 2014

Made it through day 4

Well day 4 is drawing to an end.  It's just after 10 pm and I'm exhausted. Enjoying an herbal tea (yes I'm allowed to have it, just no sugar) and getting ready for bed.  No cheats today...yay me!

Breakfast started out with leftover sausage patty and some rice.  Since we're doing level one we're allowed up to 1/2 cup of rice a day.  Lunch was the dinner we didn't have last night.  Tonight's dinner was supposed to some Asian meatballs with a bok choy salad.  But we went and grabbed a rotisserie chicken and salad instead.  It was good and I needed a night of no cooking!

I got rather sleepy close to noon and when the baby ate and napped I did too.  I was not ready to get up!  Once I did though, I was fine.  But right now I'm exhausted and as soon as I finish my tea, I'll get the baby fed and head to bed too.

The cravings weren't as strong today as they were previous days.  I was able to be next to the cake and not be tempted to just devour it.  Unlike yesterday when I could have put the rest of the cake away.  Maybe it's getting better?

I know I need to be exercising as well...even just walking.  But, it's been too cold to walk outside with the baby.  And I have not felt like putting on an exercise dvd.  Maybe next week I can try to get some in! 

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